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Mission 2

Page history last edited by James Koppel 12 years, 4 months ago




Video to be selected:


I am grateful to you for taking the castle and uniting our forces, but we are still horribly outnumbered.  A man who fights and runs away… well… you know what we need to do.

I know there has been little time to rest, but the nobles believe I killed the king.  They won't stop until we are both dead.

We must run, cousin.


Mission Text (Tom's Version):



For five days, you both went east, with Hadrien constantly at your heels. On the fifth morning, you came upon a valley drenched in fog. It was dreary going. Only the sound of your fellow soldiers told you where to step. When you held out your arm, your fingers were lost to your sight. Suddenly the whiteness became transparent. A glow engulfed you, and then was gone... as was the fog. You found yourself on the outskirts of a village in a strange land, with the fog and valley behind you like a wall of white held back by some invisible membrane. No sign was seen of Hadrien's troops. Lionel's scouts report that you are on the world of Enroth, and that another branch of the Ironfist family is in power here. This is shocking news--how could one family be split between worlds? Maybe it is a coincidence.

The village, hearing that an Ironfist prince is with your party, has offered you their hospitality.

The vassal who rules this corner of Enroth, Duke Wayfarer, has reported your presence to this King Ironfist.  You will soon know whether you are to be welcomed or opposed.

[Victory conditions: Starting with a single hero, near a town, capture the Duke's castles.]


Mission Text (Aaron's version)


(upload pending)

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